2019-2020 Expenses
Court rental costs have again increased for this season. Our season fees will be:
- EDGE BlackClick to View
- EDGE BlueClick to view
- EDGE WhiteClick to View
- Tier 2 Players$1,700.00
- Tier 2 13s$1,250.00
- Tier 1+ Players$1,000.00
- Tier 1+ 12s$700.00
- Tier 1 Players$850.00
- In-House ProgramTBD
Please make all checks payable to Central Mass Juniors Volleyball Club. Checks may be brought to practices and turned in either to coaches or directly to Pam Rose, the CMass Treasurer.
There is a nonrefundable, one-time $60 tryout fee that is due at the time of the skills rating session and covers the cost for ALL CMASS TRYOUTS. This tryout fee covers the cost of gym space, registration paperwork & coaches for the three-session tryout + rating session.
Payments may be made in two parts, detailed on the Tier 3, Tier 2+, Tier 2, Tier 1+, and Tier 1 pages. The final installment payment must be received within a month of the first practice. Unless other arrangements have been made, players who haven’t paid will not be able to participate in practices and tournaments starting at that point.
Families with more than one child playing will receive a $50 discount for each additional child on the final installment payment.